Frequently Asked Questions

  • What breeds of dogs do you work with?

    I work with all breeds, all ages, and all sizes!

  • What training equipment do you use?

    I use an array of tools to communicate as much information possible to the dog so your dog can make well informed decisions. Training tools include energy, body language, food, play, affection, toys, e-collars, slip leads, and movement. Because training is individualistic and personalized to your dog and your goals, what tools will be used is on a case-by-case basis.

  • Do you require a deposit?

    Yes! If you are interested in a board and train program, I require a 50% deposit upon booking. Your training date is not held for you until the deposit is complete. This can be paid via an invoice sent to your email.

  • Are there payment plans available?

    On a case by case basis. An additional fee may be added to payment plans.

  • Do you work with out of province clients?

    The majority of my clients are from out of province & Country! From BC, Texas, & LA clients train me with me worldwide. You do not have to be local to participate in my training programs. Drop off and pick up are the same process as if you were local to me. Flexible go-home accommodations can be arranged including partial virtual go-home lessons.

  • What type of trainer are you?

    I am a Relationship-based trainer, relationship-based dog training is a positive and effective method that emphasizes building a strong bond between the owner and the dog. This means a reward for appropriate behaviour and a correction for inappropriate behaviour. This type of training focuses on reaching the dogs brain and changing behaviours, as well as assessing the owner-dog dynamic as well as their relationship with their environment. My training focuses on rewarding good behaviour and communicating with the dog in a clear and consistent manner. It emphasizes trust, respect, and understanding between the owner and the dog, which leads to a happier and well-behaved companion.