When it comes to your dogs “bad” behaviour, Prozac is not the answer.

In 2021, working as a vet assistant, I was surprised to see how common it was to give dogs human medications to address behaviour issues.

5 month old puppy not settling in the crate? Here, try an antidepressant & anti anxiety med.

2 year old dog anxious & destroying your home when you leave? Here, have a lifetime refill of Prozac 🤯 .

Now to be clear, this isn’t a problem with vets specifically— it’s the industry — it’s a profitable business.

I’ve spoken with many vets on this topic. One specifically told me he was retiring at the time. He found it against his ethics and values when owners insisted on medication to solve human-created problems.

Now, you see-- the problem isn’t just the medical field, it’s also the consumer.

It’s a vicious cycle that helps no one (other than cooperations bankroll).

So how do we stop this problem?

Awareness, education, advocacy.

In my experience specializing in extreme behavioural cases, medications don’t resolve problems; in almost all cases—they make them worse. Medications hide the underlying cause and masks behaviour.

*In extreme genetic cases, certain brain abnormalities require medicinal assistance, but even then the dose is significantly less than the average prescribed.

Anxiety is a symptom. Identify the cause.

Training > Drugs.

What are your thoughts?

#dogtraining #anxiety #prozac

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Facebook: Becoming Maverick


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